April 2007
Quick Installation guide
is-phone for IBM Lotus Notes 6.x / 7.x
Version 7.0.1
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information „Notices“
on page 3.
January 2007
This information was developed for products and services offered worldwide. Consult your is-phone representative for information on
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is-phone for IBM Lotus Notes powered by iscoord, beustweg 12, ch-8032 zurich, switzerland
phone +41 1 258 88 82, fax +41 258 88 99, e-mail: info@iscoord.com, www.iscoord.com, www.is-phone.com
January 2007
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is-phone for IBM Lotus Notes powered by iscoord, beustweg 12, ch-8032 zurich, switzerland
phone +41 1 258 88 82, fax +41 258 88 99, e-mail: info@iscoord.com, www.iscoord.com, www.is-phone.com
January 2007
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is-phone for IBM Lotus Notes powered by iscoord, beustweg 12, ch-8032 zurich, switzerland
phone +41 1 258 88 82, fax +41 258 88 99, e-mail: info@iscoord.com, www.iscoord.com, www.is-phone.com
January 2007
These operating instructions give a very detailed description of the functions and settings of the telephone and the possibilities it
offers. You can read the brief description instead if all you need is a quick overview of the most important options. You will have no
trouble operating the telephone if you are already familiar with Lotus Notes. In addition, you can press the F1 key at any time to call
the help function and receive detailed, context-sensitive information on using the individual functions.
Depending on the specific software release employed for IBM Lotus Notes and the telephone, the illustrations in these operating
instructions may be slightly different from how they appear on the screen, but the functions will be the same.
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is-phone for IBM Lotus Notes powered by iscoord, beustweg 12, ch-8032 zurich, switzerland
phone +41 1 258 88 82, fax +41 258 88 99, e-mail: info@iscoord.com, www.iscoord.com, www.is-phone.com
January 2007
Download & Pre-Configuration
Installation files
For the installation – you need following files:
isphone_configuration_en.ntf (Notes Configuration Database)
isphone_log_en.ntf (example template for the Log Database)
Please copy the 2 templates into your Notes Data directory.
Before installing the software, you have to configure the Notes environment.
There is a central Notes Configuration needed, the database can be located local or on the Domino server
Please use the isphone_configuration_en.ntf template and create this database.
Microsoft .NET Framework Runtime must be installed on the on the client workstation
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is-phone for IBM Lotus Notes powered by iscoord, beustweg 12, ch-8032 zurich, switzerland
phone +41 1 258 88 82, fax +41 258 88 99, e-mail: info@iscoord.com, www.iscoord.com, www.is-phone.com
January 2007
Configuration database
First, you have to create the is-phone configuration database. Normally, this database resides on the server but it can also be
installed on the Notes client.
Create the database with the provided template:
“is-phone configuration template English”
Open the configuration database and and click on
New Profile
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is-phone for IBM Lotus Notes powered by iscoord, beustweg 12, ch-8032 zurich, switzerland
phone +41 1 258 88 82, fax +41 258 88 99, e-mail: info@iscoord.com, www.iscoord.com, www.is-phone.com
January 2007
Profile Name
Profile Name: Enter a Profile Name.
During the is-phone client installation, you have to refer
to this database/profile name. You can have multiple
profiles in one configuration database.
Notes/Domino Authentication
When you start the is-phone client, the Notes user will
be authenticated against this database that is defined in
the Notes/Domino Authentication. The fully qualified
name of the ID file is used for authentication. The
authentication database needs to be a Domino Server
addressbook type database. Normally, it is the Domino
directory. The office phone number of the person
document (Office phone number) of this directory is used
for the PBX registration
Servername: where authentication database resides.
If the database is local, then leave it empty!
Databasename: Enter the Notes database that is used
for authentication.
PBX Authentication
Registrar: TCP/IP Number or DNS name of your
Realm: Some PBX/Registrar needs a Realm for MD5
Number of Digits: During client startup, the office
phone number is used for the SIP Registrar
registration. This amount of digits will be used for
reregistration (starting from the “right” side)
e.g. If the office phone number is 123 456 7890 and
the Number of digits is 4, the registration will be
Internal Phone Ranges: Enter the internal phone
number ranges (this is used for signaling/ringing) and
outbound number resolving in case you enter a ITU
standards based phone number
(e.g. +1 798 913 3455)
Password: Password for proxy/PBX authentication
Domain: Enter the Domain name (e.g. iscoord.net).
This is used to build the identity of the user. If you
leave this field empty, then the identity will be
Reregister in seconds: Reregistration happens in the
defined interval – if empty or 0 – no reregistration
will be done with the registrar after the 1st successful
registration (some PBX require this)
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is-phone for IBM Lotus Notes powered by iscoord, beustweg 12, ch-8032 zurich, switzerland
phone +41 1 258 88 82, fax +41 258 88 99, e-mail: info@iscoord.com, www.iscoord.com, www.is-phone.com
January 2007
Personal Log
Use users mail file: The mail file is used to store all
call log documents. In that case, an additional view
is necessary in order to display the call log in the
is-phone client (vieisphonemessages).
Servername: Enter the servername where the log
database resides. By leaving this field empty, local
will be used (see Calllog installation)
Databasename: Enter the name of the notes
database that is used for the call log
Form Name: Enter the name of the form. By leaving
this field emtpy, “phone message” will be used
(standard phone message form of the mail file)
Phone Books
Enter the Notes Addressbooks that will be loaded into
the is-phone client.
You can integrate Sametime awareness in the is-phone
client. During a phone call, the status of the user will
automatically change. A standard text will then be
displayed in the Sametime status of that user. Userid and
password needs to be configured in the is-phone client.
Sametime Server: Enter the IP Number or DNS Name
of your Sametime server
Default Text: Enter the text that should be displayed
when a user is on the phone
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is-phone for IBM Lotus Notes powered by iscoord, beustweg 12, ch-8032 zurich, switzerland
phone +41 1 258 88 82, fax +41 258 88 99, e-mail: info@iscoord.com, www.iscoord.com, www.is-phone.com
January 2007
Dialing Rule
Country Code: Enter your country code
(without leading 0)
Area Code: Enter your Area code (without leading 0)
Outbound Line: Enter the prefix for an outside line
Long Distance: Enter the prefix for a long distance
International: Enter the prefix for an international
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is-phone for IBM Lotus Notes powered by iscoord, beustweg 12, ch-8032 zurich, switzerland
phone +41 1 258 88 82, fax +41 258 88 99, e-mail: info@iscoord.com, www.iscoord.com, www.is-phone.com
January 2007
Calllog database
Before installing the client, you have to create on the the clients call log database (if you're not using the user's mailfile).
In case you use the mailfile, an additional view (vieisphonemessages has to be integrated into the mailfile.
Create the database with the provided template:
“is-phone log english template”
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is-phone for IBM Lotus Notes powered by iscoord, beustweg 12, ch-8032 zurich, switzerland
phone +41 1 258 88 82, fax +41 258 88 99, e-mail: info@iscoord.com, www.iscoord.com, www.is-phone.com
January 2007
Client Installation
To install the is-phone for IBM Lotus Notes, you need local administrator rights. The is-phone can be installed via the installer
Prerequisite: Windows 2000 or XP, Microsoft.NET 2.0 Runtime
Start setup_7.x.x.exe
Click Next
Accept the license agreement
Click I agree
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is-phone for IBM Lotus Notes powered by iscoord, beustweg 12, ch-8032 zurich, switzerland
phone +41 1 258 88 82, fax +41 258 88 99, e-mail: info@iscoord.com, www.iscoord.com, www.is-phone.com
January 2007
Accept the license agreement
Click I agree
Enter the destination folder where the software needs to
be installed
Click Install
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is-phone for IBM Lotus Notes powered by iscoord, beustweg 12, ch-8032 zurich, switzerland
phone +41 1 258 88 82, fax +41 258 88 99, e-mail: info@iscoord.com, www.iscoord.com, www.is-phone.com
January 2007
Complete the installation.
Click Finish
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is-phone for IBM Lotus Notes powered by iscoord, beustweg 12, ch-8032 zurich, switzerland
phone +41 1 258 88 82, fax +41 258 88 99, e-mail: info@iscoord.com, www.iscoord.com, www.is-phone.com
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