www.NumArk.com P: [401] 658.3131 // F: [401] 658.364
EvEryThing you nEEd To PErform And rECord wiTh vinyL And iPod.
iBATTlePAck is a direct-drive turntable pack for performing with vinyl, iPod or
iPhone, and more. iBATTlePAck features im1, the world’s first dJ mixer that
records your mix to your iPod. you can also perform with tracks from your iPod,
connect optional gear like cd players, mics, and preview your mix in HF125 dJ
ViNyl + iPod dJ PAckAge
• im1, the first dJ mixer that enables you to play
from and record your mix to iPod or iPhone
• direct-drive TT1625 turntables deliver
professional feel and performance
• High-quality HF125 dJ headphones provide
clean, clean, comfortable cueing
• includes all the little pieces you need: slipmats,
cartridges, and connection cables
TT1625 direcT-driVe TurNTABleS
Pitch-adjustable dJ turntables with aluminum platters and performance controls.
complete with slipmats, cartridges, and connection cables.
• Two-channel mixer has inputs for turntables or cd players
• dock for iPod compatible with all docking
iPod and iPhone models
im1 Two-cHANNel miXer wiTH dock For iPod
• Turntables feature 10 pitch control, 33/45
rPm speeds, and dual start/stop buttons
rugged, reliable faders, replaceable crossfader, and a built-in dock for iPod.
record your set to iPod and mix in tracks from iPod.
HF125 dJ HeAdPHoNeS
cue in comfort and enjoy clean, clear sound on stage or at home.
All information is preliminary and subject to change.
iPod and iTunes are trademarks of Apple, inc. registered in the u.S. and other countries
iPod not included
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